
Source code for opencv_wrapper.display

import warnings
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Union, Tuple, Sequence

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np

from .misc_functions import line_iterator
from .model import Point, CVPoint, Rect, Contour, CVRect
from .utils import CVColor, _ensure_color_int

[docs]class LineStyle(Enum): SOLID = auto() DASHED = auto()
[docs]def circle( image: np.ndarray, center: Union[Point, Tuple[int, int]], radius: int, color: CVColor, thickness: int = 1, ): """ Draw a circle on `image` at `center` with `radius`. :param image: The image to draw the circle :param center: The center at which to draw the circle :param radius: The radius of the circle :param color: The color of the circle. :param thickness: The thickness of the circle; can be -1 to fill the circle. """ _warn_point_outside_image(image, center) x, y = map(int, center) color = _ensure_color_int(color), (x, y), radius, color=color, thickness=thickness)
[docs]def line( image: np.ndarray, point1: Union[Point, Tuple[int, int]], point2: Union[Point, Tuple[int, int]], color: CVColor, thickness: int = 1, line_style: LineStyle = LineStyle.SOLID, ): """ Draw a line from `point1` to `point2` on `image`. :param image: The image to draw the line :param point1: The starting point :param point2: The ending point :param color: The color of the line :param thickness: The thickness of the line :param line_style: The line style to draw. For LineStyle.DASHED, only thickness 1 is currently supported. """ _warn_point_outside_image(image, point1) _warn_point_outside_image(image, point2) point1 = Point(*map(int, point1)) point2 = Point(*map(int, point2)) color = _ensure_color_int(color) if line_style is LineStyle.SOLID: cv.line(image, (*point1,), (*point2,), color, thickness, cv.LINE_AA) elif line_style is LineStyle.DASHED: iterator = line_iterator(image, point1, point2) image[iterator[::2, 1], iterator[::2, 0]] = color image[iterator[1::4, 1], iterator[1::4, 0]] = color else: raise ValueError(f"unknown line style: {line_style}")
[docs]def rectangle( image: np.ndarray, rect: Rect, color: CVColor, thickness: int = 1, line_style: LineStyle = LineStyle.SOLID, ): """ Draw a rectangle on `image`. :param image: The image to draw the rectangle :param rect: The rectangle to be drawn :param color: The color of the rectangle :param thickness: The thickness of the lines; can be -1 to fill the rectangle. :param line_style: The line style to draw. For LineStyle.DASHED, only thickness 1 is currently supported. """ _warn_rect_outside_image(image, rect) color = _ensure_color_int(color) rect = Rect(*map(int, rect)) if line_style is LineStyle.SOLID: cv.rectangle(image, *rect.cartesian_corners(), color, thickness) elif line_style is LineStyle.DASHED: line(image,,, color, line_style=line_style) line(image,,, color, line_style=line_style) line(image,,, color, line_style=line_style) line(image,,, color, line_style=line_style) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown line style: {line_style}")
[docs]def put_text( image: np.ndarray, text: str, origin: CVPoint, color: CVColor, thickness: int = 1, scale: float = 1, ): """ Put `text` on `image` at `origin`. :param image: The image to draw the text :param text: The text to be drawn :param origin: The origin to start the text. The bottom of the first character is set in the origin. :param color: The color of the text :param thickness: The thickness of the text :param scale: The scale of the text. """ _warn_point_outside_image(image, origin) color = _ensure_color_int(color) cv.putText( image, text, (*map(int, origin),), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, scale, color, thickness=thickness, )
[docs]def draw_contour(image: np.ndarray, contour: Contour, color: CVColor, thickness=1): """ Draw a contour on an image. :param image: Image to draw on :param contour: Contour to draw :param color: Color to draw :param thickness: Thickness to draw with """ color = _ensure_color_int(color) cv.drawContours(image, [contour.points], 0, color, thickness)
[docs]def draw_contours( image: np.ndarray, contours: Sequence[Contour], color: CVColor, thickness=1 ): """ Draw multiple contours on an image :param image: Image to draw on :param contours: Contours to draw :param color: Color to draw with :param thickness: Thickness to draw with """ color = _ensure_color_int(color) points = (*map(lambda x: x.points, contours),) cv.drawContours(image, points, -1, color, thickness)
[docs]def wait_key(delay: int) -> str: """ Wait for a key event infinitely (if `delay` is 0) or `delay` amount of milliseconds. An alias for cv.waitKey(delay) & 0xFF. See cv.waitKey(delay) for further documentation. Comparison of the key pressed can be found by `ord(str)`. For example >>> if wait_key(0) == ord('q'): continue :param delay: Amount of milliseconds to wait, or 0 for infinitely. :return: The key pressed. """ return cv.waitKey(delay) & 0xFF
def _warn_point_outside_image(image: np.ndarray, point: CVPoint): if not isinstance(point, Point): point = Point(*point) if (not 0 <= point.y <= image.shape[0]) or (not 0 <= point.x <= image.shape[1]): warnings.warn( f"Point {(point.x, point.y)} outside image of shape {image.shape}." ) def _warn_rect_outside_image(image: np.ndarray, rect: CVRect): if not isinstance(rect, Point): rect = Rect(*rect) boundary = Rect(0, 0, *image.shape[:2][::-1]) if not ( in boundary or in boundary or in boundary or in boundary ): warnings.warn(f"{rect} outside image of shape {image.shape}.")
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